
Petyukova O.N. Innovations of Russian Legislation on Adoption of Children

Petyukova Oksana Nikolaevna

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Civil and Arbitration Procedure, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

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4th Veshnyakovskiy Pass., 4, 109456 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper analyzes the changes in family law institute of adoption of Russian children in 2011–2014.The paper deals with innovations of Russian legislation on adoption of children at the level of federal laws and sublegislative acts. The author indicates statistical data of the State Policy Department in the sphere of children’s rights protection, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on orphans’ adoption by Russian and foreign citizens. The paper notes that in 2013 the number of children with disabilities who were adopted by Russians increased twofold due to strengthening of the social support to adopting families. However, according to the sociological survey conducted in 2013 by the Fund of support for children in difficult circumstances, Russian citizens are not ready to raise adopted children. Consequently, the legal measures of supporting the fostering families will contribute to the fuller realization of orphans’ rights to a family.

Key words: adoption, orphans, guardianship bodies, family law, family.

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