
For Author

Dear Authors!

The Editorial Staff of The Legal Concept = Pravovaya paradigma admits for publication only authors’ original articles. Please, read the instructions for authors below. 


- an article must be currently relevant and original; it must include tasks (issues) statement, the description of main research results and conclusions;

- submitted article must not be previously published in other journals;

- submitted article must comply with the journal’s format requirements;

- authors are responsible for using in their articles only reliable information (facts, extracts, statistical and sociological data, proper names, geographical names and other information). The Editorial Staff has right to edit the submitted articles. The Editorial Staff has right to publish articles even if its members and the author have different points of view (upon discussion).

- Full-text articles, abstracts, key words, author(s)’ names and contact information are available in free access (in English and Russian languages) on the journal’s official website and on eLIBRARY.RU. URL platform.

- Publication of articles is free of charge.

After submission the article undergoes peer-review. Then the Editorial Staff makes decision concerning the publication of an article: it is either accepted or rejected and sent for follow-on revision based on reviewers’ conclusion. The revised articles are subjected to secondaryreview.

After an article gets positive review, the Editorial Staff informs its author(s) that the article is admitted for publication and indicates the remarks of reviewers and editors that must be taken into consideration. In case an article is rejected, the Editorial Staff sends motivated refuse to the author(s).

You may find the more detailed information about review procedure in Peer Review section of our journal.



Materials are submitted in paper and electronic format to the Chief Editor of the journal (Volgograd State University, Prospect Universitetskiy 100, 400062, Volgograd, Chief Editor - Dr. Sc., Prof. A.O. Inshakova, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).

Author(s) should enclose a cover letter containing the following information: guaranty of an article’s originality, absence of unreliable information and plagiarism, written obligation not to publish articles in other printed or electronic journals, presence / absence of the potential conflict of interest with the editorial team, information about the research funding, noting the confidentiality or the essentiality of publication, the author’s consent to follow the principles in the section Publication Ethics of The Legal Concept = Pravovaya paradigma.



1. All articles submitted to the editors of The Legal Concept = Pravovaya paradigma undergo peer review. 

2. The executive editor checks the relevance of the submitted article to the journal’s scope and content, the requirements for the submitted article and handles it over to the editorial board, which evaluates the scientific value of the manuscript. 

3. If the submitted article meets the aforementioned criteria, the Editor-in-Chief appoints a reviewer who can evaluate professionally the submitted article and who shares similar research interests. 

4. The review period is 4 weeks. 

5. There is a “double blind” review system for the manuscript. The submitted article is assigned to the reviewers without identifying the author’s names and information about him/her, reviewers’ names and their institutional affiliations are not provided to the author. 

6. The reviewer evaluates the topicality and scientific novelty of the research results submitted, their theoretical and practical significance, references to data in other papers. On the basis of the analysis the reviewer provides the editor with an overall recommendation: 

a) the article is accepted;

b) the article needs revisions in accordance with the reviewer’s observations; 

с) the article is rejected (mentioning the reasons). 

7. The author of the submitted article is given an opportunity to read the text of the review which is e-mailed to the author and the expert remains anonymous. 

If the reviewer recommends major or minor revisions, the editor sends a decision letter to the author suggesting that recommendations should be accepted for a revised variant of the article or rejected argumentatively.  

7а.The list of reviewer’s recommendations that must be accepted by the author: 

- the absence of references; 

- material reduplication (publishing the material or its major part in other journals) 

- the absence or scientific uncertainty based on unambiguous findings; 

- the absence of the abstract, key words and other obligatory parts within the structure of the article. 

8. If the article is rejected in case of a negative review, the information containing corresponding motivation comments is e-mailed to the author. 

9. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board taking into consideration the reviewer’s recommendations, scientific significance of the paper and its correspondence to the journal content. The rejected article is not resubmitted by the editorial team. 

10. The editorial board’s decision on publication made, the executive editor informs the author about the adopted decision and states the date of publication. 

Original reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years. 



1. Volume of an article must not exceed one printed sheet.

Every article must include the following elements of publishing regulations:

1) UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index.

2) Title and subtitle (in Russian and English).

3) Information about author(s), including full name, academic degree, academic rank, contact information (place of employment, post, address, telephone, e-mail) in Russian and English.

4) Abstract in Russian and English.

5) 5-8 key words/word combinations (in Russian and English)

6) Text of an article.

7) Bibliographic list in Russian  (according to ГОСТР 7.1-2003) and References in English (according to guidelines below). Comments and applications if necessary. In case of absence of Russian authors in the bibliographic list, please, give information only in English.

2.1. Page and print format guidelines.

1) Page margins (2cm).

2) Paging (center, bottom).

3) Font (Times New Roman), size (14), line-space (1,5).

4) File must be created in Microsoft Word program and saved in .rtf format; file’s name must represent author’s name, typed with Latin letters.

2.2. References and comments format guidelines.

1) References to the bibliographic list are marked in the text of article in square brackets with a bibliographic source number.

2) Article’s bibliographic list, titled as Bibliographic list is made up in alphabetic enumerated order. Examples of references to different kinds of publications:

Article description from journals:

Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., KolesnikovA.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V. Techno-economic optimization of the design of hydraulic fracturing. Oil Industry, 2008, no.11, pp. 54-57.

Article description from e-journal:

Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B.P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. Journal of Computer - Mediated Communication, 1999, vol. 5, no. 2. Available at: http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/issue2/ (Accessed 28 April 2011).

Article description from DOI:

Zhang Z., Zhu D. Experimental research on the localized electrochemical micro-machining. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2008, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 926-930. doi: 10.1134/S1023193508080077.

Article description from periodical edition (collected works):

Astakhov M.V., Tagantsev T.V. Experimental study of the strength of joints "steel-composite" [Proc. of the Bauman MSTU “Mathematical Modeling of Complex Technical Systems”], 2006, no. 593, pp. 125-130.

Description of article proceedings:

Usmanov T.S., Gusmanov A.A., Mullagalin I.Z., Muhametshina R.Ju., Chervyakova A.N., Sveshnikov A.V. Features of the design of field development with the use of hydraulic fracturing. [Proc. 6th Int. Symp. “New energy saving subsoil technologies and the increasing of the oil and gas impact”]. Moscow, 2007, pp. 267-272.

Book (monography, composite book) description:

Lindorf L.S., Mamikoniants L.G., eds. Ekspluatatsiia turbogeneratorov s neposredstvennym okhlazhdeniem [Operation of turbine generators with direct cooling]. Moscow, Energiia Publ., 1972. 352 p.

Kanevskaya R.D. [Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic processes of hydrocarbon deposit development]. Izhevsk, 2002. 140 p.

Description of internet-resource:

APA Style (2011). Available at: http://www.apastyle.org/apa-style-help.aspx (accessed 5 February 2011).

Rules for the Citing of Sources. Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/1034528/ (accessed 7 February 2011)

Description of thesis (thesis abstract):

Semenov V.I. Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Dr. phys. andmath. sci. diss.. Moscow, 2003. 272 p.

3. Full-text versions of published articles  and their metadata (abstracts, keywords, information about author(s)  in Russian and English are available in free access on journal’s official website, in Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU. and in other archives.

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