
Grachev N.I. The Judiciary Reform of 1864 in the Context of the Great Reforms: Experience of Historiosophic Revision

Grachev Nikolay Ivanovich
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Department of Civil and Arbitration Proceeding,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article attempts to analyze the judiciary reform of 1864 as a part of all Great reforms of the 1860s. The emphasis is made on long-term trends and regular patterns in the development of the Russian society and state provoked by these reforms. In this connection, the reforms and their consequences are examined and assessed in the light of objective civilizational fundamentals of the Russian statehood and people’s legal mentality, as well as in the context of their correlation with Western political and legal standards. The certain parallels are drawn between the post-reform Russia and the current condition of the legal and political system of Russia.

Key words: judiciary reform, court system, Great reforms, supreme authority, legal obligation, civilizational fundamentals of statehood, legal state, obligatory state, legal mentality, legal form.

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