
Kisel A.A. Wastes in the System of Civil Rights Objects

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2017.2.6

Anna A. Kisel, Doctoral Student, Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Belarusian State University of Economics, Prosp. Partizansky, 26, 220070 Minsk, the Republic of Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction: the article presents the general properties of waste and their place in the system of civil rights objects. In the modern conditions of society, when the dynamics of developing the relations has an indisputable sign of globalization, it seems expedient to address certain civil law institutions as structural elements of a system having certain characteristics. The consideration of the concept of “waste” in the system of civil rights objects as an established order in the order and connection of actions or as a set of constituent parts homogeneous in terms of their tasks, will subsequently allow identifying the problems in the civil law regulation of waste management in the Republic of Belarus and developing measures to eliminate them. Methods: there are used the general scientific methods of research, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, as well as the private scientific methods of research such as formal and legal, technical and legal ones. Results: the author investigates the correlation of the category “waste” and the category of “civil objects” used in the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus. Conclusions: the author identifies the main criteria for classifying wastes as objects of civil rights. The position on referring wastes to the category of things is stated due to the presence of physical characteristics as a substance or item, as well as the presence of the goal to both refer wastes to the resource category, and to strive for the benefit by minimizing the negative impact on man and the environment, and also by establishing the order of compensation for the harm caused.

Key words: civil rights system, object of civilian circulation, things, objects, waste, resources.

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