
Timkova T.A. Certain Issues of the Use of the Individual Characteristics of the Victim During the Investigation of Violent Crimes Against Women

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Timkova
Candidate for a Degree, Department of Criminalistics,
Saratov State Law Academy
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Volskaya St., 1, 410056 Saratov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article analyzes the statistics of violent crime in the family and domestic sphere against women, and also possible causes of domestic violence: behavior of the victim, perception of violence as the traditional model of family relationships, dependent status, and their impact on the production of the preliminary investigation. On the basis of the investigation materials and court practice, the author comes to a conclusion about the need to improve the tactics of certain investigative actions, ways of overcoming of counteraction to investigation, methods and means of forensic investigation of personality of women subjected to domestic violence, individual psychological and physiological characteristics of the victim.

Key words: domestic violence, latency, a woman – a victim of a crime, investigative actions, forensic investigation of personality.

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