
Davydova M.L., Makarov V.O. Press release for the international research and practice conference “The migration policy in Russia and the EU: legal, economic, institutional aspects of solving regional problems”

Davydova Marina Leonidovna

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Volgograd State University

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Makarov Vladislav Olegovich

Fourth-year student, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The article indicates the urgent of issues of the International research and practice conference “The migration policy in Russia and the EU: legal, economic, and institutional aspects of solving regional problems” which took place on April 5-6, 2012 in Volgograd. The general chronology of the conference and the contents of the most interesting reports are represented.

Key words: international research and practice conference, migration, migration policy in Russia, migration policy in the European Union, problems of migration.

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