
Kozhemyakin D.V. Principle of good faith as the legal basis for the resolution of domain name disputes

Kozhemyakin Dmitriy Vladimirovich

Specialist, Department of Civil and International Private Law SSC RAS, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The article deals with the application of general rules of civil law in the resolution of domain name disputes. The author emphasizes the importance of assessing the claims of the parties on the basis the principle of good faith and the absence vexatious litigation. From analyzing the national and foreign legislation, as well as the case law, the author comes to the conclusion that the direct application of the principle of good faith to resolve domain name disputes is necessary for court.

Key words: principles of law, good faith, vexatious litigation, the domain name, domain name disputes, reverse domain name hijacking, cybersquatting, the trademark.

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