
Zolotovsky V.A., Shanin A.A. Court officials in the central imperial administration of Byzantine Empire in the early palaeologian period

Shanin Andrey Alexandrovich

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of Law and State, Volgograd State University

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Zolotovsky Vladimir Alexeevich

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Archeology and Foreign History, Volgograd State University

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Abstract.The article gives a clear account of the actual problem of the central imperial administration in the Byzantine Empire in XIII–XIV centuries. The author analyzes the problem of organization and authority for titles-officials in the system of the central imperial (palace) administration, defines the socially purpose of the palace titles-officials hierarchy, their status in provincial administration, characterizes the legal status and powers of the mesadzone.

Key words: history of state and law, history of Byzantium, early palaeologian period, central imperial administration, palace titles, court officials.

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