
Kovalenko S.P. Legal Nature of Civil and Juridical Responsibility of Corporate Relations Participants

Kovalenko Svetlana Pavlovna
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and International Private Law, Volgograd State University, Base Department of Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RAS)

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Abstract. The violation of requirement concerning the proper and reasonable exercise of corporate rights is considered to be the cause for liability of corporate relations participants. The author studies the peculiarities of the liability of corporate relations participants. The ensuing of negative consequences for bodies fixed in different sources of corporate law is firstly aimed at the protection of corporate interests. Sanctions of such liability can vary from the recovery of damages caused to the association by founders and the pre-term termination of powers to, for example, exception of a participant from limited liability company. Due to the said above it is necessary to conduct research of limits of civil and responsibility of corporate relations participants, firstly having defined their legal nature.
Key words: corporate legal relations, responsibility, participants of the corporate relations, civil and legal responsibility, relationship of cause and effect.

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