
Davtyan-Davydova D.N. On Some Features of Reparating Damage Caused by an Entrepreneur

Davtyan-Davydova Darya Nikolaevna

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and International Private Law, Volgograd State University, Base Department of Southern Scientific Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RAS)

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to individual cases of redress in the process of doing business. The author substantiates the relevance of their research. The article presents various scientific perspectives to identify the source of increased danger. Sanctified discussion on specific aspects of the injury activity creates an increased danger to others. Author proposed activity definition, creating increased danger to life and health of citizens, as well as revealed its specificity, which manifests itself in the specificity of individual activities, creates an increased danger to others; subjective grounds of liability for harm caused by a source of danger; pursuant to an exemption from the owner’s liability for damage, as well as in other aspects arising from the damages caused to life and health of citizens in the process of doing business. In addition, it is proposed to make some changes to the current Civil Code.

Key words: entrepreneurship, redress, dilectual tort relationship, ource of high-risk danger, creating increased danger to others.

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